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Re: Fuel tank with bolt in sender unit

Posted: Tue May 06, 2014 8:11 pm
by spiyda

just in case it helps,
yes, the "wizard" will sort out the mismatched gauge problem
choosing the "I will calibrate myself" option will mean you get a wizard set roughly to the middle of its range
but full instructions are included..

When setting up on a Mini, (with either sender and any gauge)
its easiest if you do this with an empty tank... (full if you have the early sender)
with the wizard all connected up add a short length of wire to the "sender in" terminal...
when you ground this, the wizard will think the sender is at the full position (empty with the early sender)

so not grounded is empty.. grounded is full... or vice versa

you can fiddle with the adjustments and get a perfect reading without the need to add or remove fuel to the tank..

Oh and if you have two tanks, and two senders... connect them in series and a single gauge will give you an indication of the total fuel on board !

Chris (the designer of the "wizard")
owner of one MK1 in bits in a garage somewhere !

Re: Fuel tank with bolt in sender unit

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 12:58 am
by Tim
Nice to hear from you Chris (hmm another Chris with a spidery nickname).


Re: Fuel tank with bolt in sender unit

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 9:33 am
by Spider
He's one clever man that Spiyda!

Great bit of kit for sure.

Chris, the other Spider ;)

Re: Fuel tank with bolt in sender unit

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 10:21 am
that's a great bit of kit, sure as hell beats my 'fuel wizard' which is a stick I poke down the tank neck in my mini sprint! :lol:

Re: Fuel tank with bolt in sender unit

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 1:18 pm
by dklawson
Chris, the Wizard sounds like a great product. Is it only available in Europe? Do you have a U.S. distributor for it? The gauge mis-match issue is not unique to the Mini and over her it is a frequent topic for owners of various Triumphs, and MGs as well.

Re: Fuel tank with bolt in sender unit

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 5:11 pm
by spiyda
>> Spider .. anyone with an arachnid username could do it !! :oops:

>> Doug .. we will (and do) ship all over the world, but we only have actual distributors based in the UK.
Always looking for new ways to get the products known !

We are on the third version of the Fuel Gauge wizard.. the next version is not expected until the end of the year..

It all started when working on my Son's Mini, getting the Suzuki Fuel Gauge working with the Mini Sender...
The build diary is here

Chris (-=Spiyda=-)

Re: Fuel tank with bolt in sender unit

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 5:27 pm
by dklawson
Thanks for the information. I will bookmark the Wizard web page so I can refer it to others in the future.