More road charges and restrictions coming soon....? ... e%20_0.pdf
London Assembly Transport Committee.
Call for Evidence: The future of smart road user charging - February 2023
"The London Assembly Transport Committee has launched an investigation into
the future of smart road user charging in London. We will consider the practical
issues around the potential introduction of smarter road user charging in London."
Key Questions
1. Do the current road user charging systems in London require reform?
2. How might smarter road user charging differ from the current daily
charges for driving applied in London?
3. How might charges for driving in London be varied for different types of
journeys, such as travelling for work, caring responsibilities or essential
4. What strategies and targets could smarter road user charging support?
5. What technology could be used to support smarter road user charging?
6. How could smarter road user charging assist with tackling current
challenges such as traffic, air pollution and climate change?
7. Are road user charging schemes best set up at a city or regional level, or
as a national system, and what benefits or difficulties would you expect
with either approach?
8. If smarter road user charging is introduced, which charges or taxes should
it replace and how should the current taxes and charges be changed?
9. What discounts and exemptions would you like to see for any new
smarter road charging scheme, for example to help disabled people, those
on low incomes, those who need to drive for work, or people who live in
areas with low levels of public transport?
10. If the Government were interested in a national distance-based road user
charging scheme, would London be a sensible place for a trial?
11. If distance-based road user charging was introduced, do you think
Londoners who drive should pay less in total for vehicle or driving-based
charges, the same, or more than they do currently?
12. Mayors and local authorities currently have powers to introduce new road
charging schemes. Do you think anything further is required beyond an
electoral mandate for these bodies to use those powers (for example a
local referendum)?
13. How are other cities and countries working on similar smarter road user
charging ideas faring, and what alternatives are they looking at for
achieving similar policy goals?