There's some great stuff on the old forum that's for sure but yes I'd agree the new one looks uninviting, pretty clunky to use and is much too big, 40 sub forums is probably 20 too many. There's even a forum for the Speed Championship which hasn't run for the best part of 20 years ! I always thought the MCR forum was under utilised by the membership as it contains some very useful and interesting information and is potentially a great way for the members to communicate. It was always light humoured, very well run by MCR admin and with the exception of a couple of lunatics never had any real issues.
I remember posting on the very first version (saddo alert) when it looked like a teleprinter !
Hope it gets back to it's best and hope the membership actually start to use it !
I know we have paid to swap servers maybe hosting company as well but im asking if we have paid out to have a forum set up by a web company, web specialist - where the sites being hosted and what server its on doesnt really have any relevance to setting up a forum
never mind , i was just interested but im not anymore.
northern monkey wrote:You are not the only person to think the new layout is a mess , but a good layout takes a fair amount of work to achieve,I am beginning to wonder wether its the layout, or the signing in/up process that is keeping the post numbers very very low , or the worry of malware infection.....but it is quite sparse on new content/new posts....even after I posted a link to the discovery of a works car ,it only has four replies to this great news , this from a car club that has registrars for works cars , and works car owners amongst its membership ?? and is dedicated to coopers of every persuasion...I personally cant wait to see it get back to being as active as it was before the nightmare of malware raised its head..
One of my biggest worrys though Foxy is that money is having to be spent that may detract from the M.C.R. funding the N.E.C.. we ( Lancs Region) have already been turned down flat last year, after we made a request for £200 to help towards funding a show ,which we had already organised....and then had to cancel....As members we all know they have to watch the clubs money carefully.
...mmmm Understand yr feelings Mick...The M C R is worth the membership for the brill mag alone but .. the new site leaves me cold !!!....I do feel sorry for the probs this has caused club but why cant the whole web site design and format have the same look as it did ?? disappointed...foxy52
We have all had computer problems I'm sure and know what a twat it is when you do, I'm sure that side of it will get sorted as for looks and layout I think the big heading needs to ge be on the joinng forum page and not every page. The look of the directory page's could be cleaned up by having title pages like Rover Coopers open up into the five sub directories it has, that way cleaning up the look and keeping all the pages. Again with New mini pages opening up into the three pages it has.
Cuts out the scrolling down and looking for. i've already mentioned, I find posts do go through OK provided you give it a bit of time after submitting them. I don't wait until the page updates with the new post though, i just give it a minute after 'working 'appears at the top of the page, save the download, and then click on the thread link at the top to get to the post. Niall.
Last edited by cookie1071 on Sun Feb 02, 2014 1:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Pete wrote:Just logged in and tried to post. No can do, something about saving a download. Gave up.
I have found this ever since the new forum went online. I just close the download and click the page refresh on the web address bar then, when the page refreshes, the thread will appear with your post. I know it's a bit of a faf but the forum does work.
I'm using my old lap top tonight and that runs IE8 and Windows XP. Everytime I went to write something it said that Internet Explorer had to shut down as it had an error. So I switched to Google Chrome and all was working fine.
Will visiting the forum cause any damage to our computers ? I've been on briefly this morning and it was running VERY slowly. Couldn't actually exit the main page for a while, is this a virus / malware thing ?
Works fine with IE11 on my win7 netbook, albeit the 'working' that appears after posting never goes away and I get pop ups asking if I want to save the post. Niall.