My anouncement re the MK1 site.

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Re: My anouncement re the MK1 site.

Post by Spider »

I haven't read the whole thread here, but sorry you feel that way Mark.

I haven't been here all that long, however I have to say I haven't seen any shitfights break out here, I've seen lots on other forums, but I haven't seen any here, maybe I don't read the right threads?

However, having started and then run a car club many years ago, I do understand how you feel, it no long is fun, but just another job. Maybe consider sharing the burden with others?
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Re: My anouncement re the MK1 site.

Post by minitravellerman »

I have to agree with many of the recent comments about the site. The Mk1 Performance site and all of the information that Mark has found and shared with us is fantastic and invaluable, as is the forum. I have learnt a lot from the posts and comments of others, and it will be an absolute shame if they cannot continue.
I would love to be able to take over the batton from you, but as I would be unable to give the time to ensure they run to the same huge standard (even if I did, I doubt it ever could compete anyway!).
What I love about this site is that it stays true to form, and there are none of those pointless threads that crop up on other forums - it's all about the little car we all love.
Hopefully someone will be able to keep the site going - best of luck to all.
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Re: My anouncement re the MK1 site.

Post by MadMatt »

i wish i could help Mark,,, being we`ve known each other since before you started this site & when you were talking about setting this up i then wondered if you knew what you were getting yourself into,,,

but what it has developed into now is proof that it was all totally worthwhile,,, & you have done more than an amazing job,,, far better than anyone else on the planet ever could have & you know i mean that with all my heart & soul

sorry to blow wind up your arse, i know you didn`t want that to happen but it`s actually hard not to mate,,, you da man bro

if you let this site falls away then i will hate you forever :-)
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Re: My anouncement re the MK1 site.

Post by pad4 »

Dont worry - its not going any where

Its safe n sound

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Re: My anouncement re the MK1 site.

Post by monkeyjim »

Back in the late eighties there was no internet , so for info you had to rely on the limited amount of books that were around and writing to guys like Charlie Bird who ran the Mk1 register of the National M.O.C when i bought my Mk1 back in 91 .

To come across the website and forum in latter years was a real find for me .
Over the years I have viewed the web site and forum and occasionally posted . The amount of info that has been put together by Mark is now a outstanding resource to owners , the contributed info by those really in the know is also brilliant and adds to create something special .

Thank you .

The mk1 website and forum has its own niche (for a better word )within the Mini scene, which I am sure all who view them both will agree on . I would think you guys taking over will endeavor to keep it as such . Good luck with taking the mk1 further .

Mark ,
I have been in 2 Mini clubs , been on club committee , on forums , got dejected and wound up by it all , lost my mojo as someone puts it then found it again . Currently lost it again and walked away from it all last year . I can understand what can go on and relate to your reasons for standing down .

The Mini bug is in you as it is me , stand back take stock and eventually you will get the enthusiasm to do some more .

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Re: My anouncement re the MK1 site.

Post by dr dave »

Hi Mark, I understand and support your decision. Stress is a bitch!! Take your time, regain your enthusiasm, reaffirm your priorities/ health/ family.... In time your infectious attitude will return along with new ideas for this site or whatever endeavor you choose. If or when you are ready to crank it up again, you will be welcomed with open arms.

dr dave
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