A professional machine shop could linish them. As long as there is no pitting they'll come up like new. You could do it yourself with very fine wet and dry paper, but if there us any wear on them its probably better to have them done professionally so that they can measure them and tell if they are any good.
If there's a tiny amount of rust & it hasn't pitted too badly you can probably get away with it. But in my opinion most of the ones illustrated are scrappy dappy doo.
I'd have them dipped or bead blasted to remove all the rust. Then you'll easily see if they are pitted or not. If they are, and are not regrinds. then they could be useful cores....
Not what you wanted to hear I guess
Good point, thought about cores & then forgot again.To remove the rust soak them in HCL brick / concrete cleaner for about 20 minutes. Then transfer them into a fairly dilute caustic soda bath. Then dry thoroughly & oil.This will remove all vestiges of rust so they canh be assessed more easily.
Vapour blast them, do not acid them as it will soften the surface hardening, assess the contact area for
consistancy of contact, IE the follower will always be rideing on lets say 80% supported surface area, (that can be an area thats scattered with small pits but still can be bridged at 80%) then they will be ok.
Look at the pitting as an oil entrapment which helps lube the remaining 80%. not the best cams but we can use them.
Took another look at your pics and it looks like someone as cleaned/blasted/acid'ed these already before, if so they may already have been damaged beyond salvage.I may be wrong but just check it out before you spend your money.
Hi Paul,
What a shame a bit of wd 40 or grease would have prevented this.
If you want to send or bring them to me them to me and pay for the return postage.
I will vapour blast them free of charge and then you can evaluate them more easily.
It only removes the rust !!
Trevor in Taunton Somerset
"Ambition: the first step on the road to disappointment" Homer. J. Simpson
"Disappointment: the first step on the road to enlightenment" Buddha
"Enlightenment: the first step on the road to ambition" Dalai Lama
No point in hoping to go to Heaven...... I won't know anyone there.
KDK 320F
HDK 443E
DJJ 226H
PKV 375
I x 1967 originally Red since 1968 Blue,Ex-Race Cooper S Bodyshell only have Commission plate as ID.
1 x chassis 007 1967 Cox GTM