A quick update on entries for this event, which are currently as follows:
1 Paul Crosby HERO-ERA Andy Pullan I HERO-ERA Austin Cooper S 1320 JDF 184D Expert
2 Neil Raven I,HE,DL,YW Claire Raven I,HE,DL,YW Austin Mini 998 UMJ 72W Expert
3 Kevin Dickson MCR Heather Nixon MCR Rover Mini 30 998 G484 RND Novice
4 Graeme Cornthwaite KLMC Ali Procter H Morris Mini 1380 MNW 124F Expert
5 Stuart Lamb MCR Stephen Reynolds MCR Rover Mini 1275 K755 PPO Semi Expert
6 Stuart Coldron D Joel Coldron D Austin Mini 1275GT 1275 FVH 22L Novice
7 David Dickinson MCR Martin Bell TBC Morris Mini 1275 KLD 754D Novice
8 Gary Densham MCR Zarin Densham TBC Rover Mini 30 998 G121 KRH Novice
9 Peter Ellerby MCR Iain Tullie I Morris Mini Cooper S 1293 DJD 178D Expert
10 Gary Dixon D Harley Connell D Morris Mini Cooper S 1380 DOP 739K Novice
11 Chris Day C Claire Day C Morris Mini Cooper S 1310 721 DAY Novice
12 Richard Derrick MCR Robert Duley MCR Mini Clubman 1275GT 1380 WCG 268N Semi Expert
13 Andy Harrison I Henry Carr TBC Austin Mini 1293 GJM 795 Expert
14 Luke Carroll SO Joe Gornall R Austin Mini 1071 6604KF Semi Expert
There's still plenty time to enter, if you haven't already.

On offer are around ten Special Tests on private land followed by a 85 mile jaunt through the lanes, starting and finishing for a sensible time (~10pm

Nav. to suit all abilities, with marked map extracts for Novices.
