Auto vs Manual SPI

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Auto vs Manual SPI

Post by Rondon73 »

Alright Folks,

I hope all are well. Is there any difference between the radiator, coolant hoses and water pump between a 94 SPI auto and manual?

I messaged a couple of sellers on Ebay that sell aluminium radiators for SPIs. They both replied saying that they were only suitable for manual SPIs. I have the Rover dealers software on an old laptop with the repair guides. I can't find any details about a difference between the cooling system on a manual vs an automatic.

Could anyone kindly advise please.

I am determine to get my mini on the road in 2025.

Apologies for sporadic posts on the forum. I am going to try to be more consistent.

To anyone that has ever replied to anyone of my posts I appreciate it and apologize for the years it has taken to respond.

I got the John Aley cage and bracket. Thanks to the late great Brian Purves daughter.

Any advice recommendation much appreciated.

If anyone is looking for an AC compressor and they can collect they can have it gratis. I deleted the aircon.

Many thanks

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Re: Auto vs Manual SPI

Post by minibitz »

Cooling system is the same on auto & manual SPI cars of that era that I have worked on.
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Re: Auto vs Manual SPI

Post by Rondon73 »

:) Thank you, minibitz, for answering my question; I appreciate it.

It's interesting how suggestion influences our perceptions! I didn't think there was a difference until two eBay sellers responded, stating that the item was only suitable for a manual.

I looked online for an automatic radiator, a Haynes manual, the SPI repair manual and the Rover software.

Thanks for keeping me right!

Have a good Monday!



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