It interesting what Toyota said, they can make 8 x Hybrid cars, for every battery powered car and hence they would rather direct their resources to Hybrid vehicles, I can't find the source at this time, but it makes sense, even if Hybrid as just as loathsome as electric cars
Anyway it's all bollocks, let's just enjoy burning the fossil fuels in our minis while we can!

goff wrote: ↑Mon Jan 15, 2024 12:32 pmWho ever believes what the BBC say , biggest liars on the tellybeardylonodn wrote: ↑Mon Jan 15, 2024 11:55 am My brother in law works in this space, and he says Hydrogen just wont work.
Also indecently I saw a good doc on the BBC ... heat-pumps, they said we was going into a ice age in the 70s
, now they tell us we have got global warming , yes it is true , just look at how the panties are getting smaller , " proof of global warming "