Hi all, im new to this forum i came across it searching for info for my 62 mini minor ive just brought, After reading some of your posts i think im in safe hands as i intend rebuilding it to concourse level. Ive included a few pictures so you can see what i let myself in for.
You know the more info i dig the more i think it is, dont have anymore inside piccies but in the boot it has the fixings for the boot board to cover spare wheel which makes me think cooper.
850 super deluxe wrote:You know the more info i dig the more i think it is, Only have this one of the seats, the boot it has the fixings for the boot board to cover spare wheel which makes me think cooper.
Nice find.
Body colour should be Surf Blue/Old English White roof with Brocade Grey/Powder Blue trim.
Give the roof a little rub to see what's under the base colour.
Vin number and engine number should tell you more.
If log book comes back as normal then you have a Cooper or Super shell.
Well done to you
Well Abit of good news me thinks, It is a key switch start not a floor starter and it does have a white roof i took the paint off to see and its white underneath also the logbook states blue/white The only thing i see so far missing is the grill from the front , so if anyone knows of one let me know cash waiting.
No extra slat, just standard grille with the extra embellishment. You can see clearly from Steve 1071's picture.
Austin one is different. It is a standard grille with 12 vertical bars and no horizontal one. The bars are fixed to the concave "wavy" part of the grille by means of rivets and clips, except one bar at the centre which is screwed in place to prevent the whole lot falling to pieces (are you still paying attention?). Some later ones have the wavy bars drilled like the earlier ones but have the vertical bars fixed to the grille by wire clips.