WMU 211G wrote:. Found a few of my own photos on there occasionally...!
I get two or three emails from pinterest a day, sometimes never seen before stuff turns up, but most of the time it is the same stuff over and over again.
I find mine on Pinterest from time to time. Some people take them down when I ask, others just have no idea of the concept of copyright.
By the way, some may have noticed that all my pictures I have posted from Photobucket are no longer showing on the forum. They had a drastic power outage a few months ago and some peoples accounts still have not been recovered, mine being one of them. I have over 40,000 pictures on there but I am now beginning to think that they will never recover my account. Fortunately I have all the originals on hard drives so they are not lost for ever, but I now can not just go and find something of mine on the web and post it, hence why I have not been posting so many images of late.
Normal service may be resumed, or I am going to have to open a Flickr Pro account and start again.