Goodwood 75th MM Weslake Cup (Paddock Pics Added)

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Re: Goodwood 75th Members Meeting Weslake Cup

Post by Red Mist »

Very disappointing result for Will Corry - I think he was up to 6th overall and 1st in class when the spare engine went bang!

The yellow Woolmer car was unbelievable to watch in qualifying...was barely ever in a straight line!

Re: Goodwood 75th Members Meeting Weslake Cup

Post by surfblue63 »

The Weslake race was turning into a right ding dong battle, so mush so I was looking more at the big screen behind me than taking pictures, but it only lasted a couple of laps. Not sure what happened to the driver in the car that brought out the red flag as the medical car left pit lane quite quickly.

Luckily it was not a repeat of last year as the only other race that was interrupted was the Pierpoint Cup for the V8s. The driven was close but fair in nearly all, with some great battles. If you did not watch the live feed check out the Goodwood site of their YouTube channel, all the races should be available along with complete re-runs of the live feed.

The best thing with the Members Meeting is the sights and sounds.

Most incredible sight had to be the Beast of Turin, I just wouldn't want to be pulling a lever to slow it down in a hurry!


The best sound of the day, for me, has to go to the V12 Matra 670. Standing on the inside of the chicane I got to hear it fly up the start finish straight, the sound of that V12 makes doesn't just the hairs on the back of your neck stand up, it make all your hairs stand up.


Todays Gerry Marshall sprint race was a reverse grid affair, with all the cars starting in the reverse order that they finished yesterdays feature race. The golf GTi tried to stay out front, but was eventually caught by one of the Rovers, but as usual, the onboard footage from Swifty was great.


The battle between the two Cobras and the TVR in the Graham Hill trophy was a real crowd pleaser. This race had a pit stop, but fortunately after the stops were done the cars wee still close, making for some exciting final laps.


The Pierpoint race was a dice between the two Alan Mann Mustangs, who did a double Hawcroft by both having a simultaneous excursion onto the grass. Other just spent the race belching flames!


After seeing the Group A Touring car Demo, I hope they have a race for these soon. The sound of Gerhard Berger in the 635 CSi, the E30 M3s, the Cossies and the Rover Vitesses were just great, and don't forget the two Metros.


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Re: Goodwood 75th Members Meeting Weslake Cup

Post by mab01uk »

Great photos! Thanks for posting. 8-)

"It's David versus Goliath as big V8 beasts take on agile little Minis at Goodwood Road & Racing"
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Re: Goodwood 75th Members Meeting Weslake Cup

Post by fricsman »

Fabulous photos Surf, thanks.
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Re: Goodwood 75th Members Meeting Weslake Cup

Post by Pete »

Yep, some good snaps there Stu! 8-)

Re: Goodwood 75th Members Meeting Weslake Cup

Post by surfblue63 »

Thanks for all the comments. I 've not had much chance to load many more yet but will do soon. I'll add a slide show link once I've done a large batch. In the meantime here's a couple more, and what's the story with the Speedwell Sprites?




Re: Goodwood 75th MM Weslake Cup (Paddock Pics Added)

Post by surfblue63 »

Just finished uploaded my paddock shots from the 75th Members Meeting. Here's just a few from the album. There's a link at the bottom to a slideshow.

Two great names on a nearly forgotten car


Car Porn!


Mirror, Mirror...


Alfa Tipo 33


Soper, Blundell and Needell discuss who blocked who in practice.



Speedwell Sprite


Sebring Sprite


Hudson Six


Longest bonnet award goes to the black Maserati.


More Daffodils


A pussy on a bonnet?


Slideshow Here

Re: Goodwood 75th MM Weslake Cup (Paddock Pics Added)

Post by surfblue63 »

The Ogle in more detail










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Re: Goodwood 75th MM Weslake Cup (Paddock Pics Added)

Post by InimiaD »

Great pics Stuart. Thanks for sharing.
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Re: Goodwood 75th MM Weslake Cup (Paddock Pics Added)

Post by Pete »

Love the Ogle, just needed a 1460 in it like front running Spridgets had by the looks of it?? :shock:
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Re: Goodwood 75th MM Weslake Cup (Paddock Pics Added)

Post by davidnutland »

No 1460 Pete, the just weigh slightly more than a damp paper bag.
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Re: Goodwood 75th MM Weslake Cup (Paddock Pics Added)

Post by 1071 S »

"...."It's David versus Goliath as big V8 beasts take on agile little Minis at Goodwood Road & Racing"

"Sorry, this video has been removed by user"

So is there anywhere else we can see it??

Cheers, Ian
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Re: Goodwood 75th MM Weslake Cup (Paddock Pics Added)

Post by Red Mist »

Here you go Ian...full Race 1 of the Gerry Marshall Trophy now uploaded by Goodwood!
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Re: Goodwood 75th Members Meeting Weslake Cup

Post by Alex »

surfblue63 wrote:...chop...

Ogle in practice. It is the car that was on the Goodwood Lawn in 2009, but has been given a bit of a make over.


Just a small makeover - like a new shell !!
Metric is for people who can't do fractions.
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Re: Goodwood 75th MM Weslake Cup (Paddock Pics Added)

Post by coop12g295 »

I've seen the original shell in his barn,trust me its not a viable repair
hence the Nostalgia Cars shell
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Re: Goodwood 75th Members Meeting Weslake Cup

Post by phil82 »

surfblue63 wrote:
After seeing the Group A Touring car Demo, I hope they have a race for these soon. The sound of Gerhard Berger in the 635 CSi, the E30 M3s, the Cossies and the Rover Vitesses were just great, and don't forget the two Metros.

thank you very much for those great pictures.

does anybody know what wheels these Metros run? Are they from BBS? thanks!
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