Charlynsane wrote:
Two yellow cables
-1 on the + on the fusebox
-1 directly on the metal,
About the white cables, I have to wire it directly on the coil
my car is negative earth,
On the coil there is + and -
Do I need to put an other cable from the speedo to the grood? like on the black picture ?
I would like to make some suggestions. Start by reviewing the wiring shown in the links posted earlier by others. Specifically, review the diagram in the picture linked below.
http://www.mk1-performance-conversions. ... acho_2.jpg
I suggest you replace the two yellow wires. That will only confuse you later. Refer to the picture linked above turning your attention to the "black" section for negative earth wiring. Run a BLACK wire from the tachometer's -12V terminal to the chassis of your Mini. Run a dark green wire from the tach's positive terminal to a switched 12V connection at the fuse box. This will give you color codes that will make sense to you and others when you look at the gauge installation in the future. Also, connect an earth wire to the gauge case and connect it to the -12V terminal. That will provide an earth connection for the illumination light bulb.
Now turn your attention to the white wires. Run them both through the firewall to the coil/distributor. Make extensions for these wires if necessary but use WHITE for the extensions. As before, this will make troubleshooting clear for others in the future.
Deviate from the wiring picture at this point. Follow Abri's advice. Locate the short white/black wire that runs between the coil (-) terminal and the distributor. Disconnect it at both ends. Connect one white wire to coil (-) and the other to the distributor. This will allow the coil current to flow through the induction loop on the back of the tachometer.
Start your car's engine. If the tach does not behave properly, switch where the two white wires are connected (move the coil wire to the distributor and distributor wire to the coil). Start the engine again. If the tach behaves, you are done. If it doesn't, there are some workarounds you can try but the gauge may need professional service OR the conversion board available from Spiyda Design.