time in over a year. It has had many improvements, including a fairly
comprehensive database of part numbers for both SU and Stromberg.
I say "fairly comprehensive" because a strange thing became apparent...
I have had many sets of needle charts over the years and it was these
that provided the data for the spreadsheet. However, the strange thing
is that there are far more needles in the part number cross-reference
section than there are tabulated needles. We are talking quite a few,
and I suspect that some of them are place-holders for needles that have
been allocated a part number and a needle name, but then did not get
The following are cross-referenced, but do not appear in the charts that
I have available to me:
Code: Select all
BM2,AUD1087 XT,AUD1447 CAS,CUD1216 AFQ,NZX4063
BM4,AUD1088 XU,AUD1448 CAT,CUD1217 AFR,NZX4064
BM6,AUD1089 XV,AUD1449 CAU,CUD1218 AFS,NZX4065
BM8,AUD1090 XW,AUD1450 CAV,CUD1219 AFT,NZX4066
RM,AUD1305 XX,AUD1451 CAW,CUD1220 AFU,NZX4067
RMO,AUD1306 XY,AUD1452 CAX,CUD1221 AFV,NZX4068
RM1,AUD1307 XZ,AUD1453 CAY,CUD1222 AFW,NZX4069
RM2,AUD1308 YA,AUD1454 CAZ,CUD1223 AFX,NZX4070
RM3,AUD1309 YB,AUD1455 ADV,NZX4020 AFY,NZX4071
RM4,AUD1310 YC,AUD1456 ADW,NZX4021 AFZ,NZX4072
RM5,AUD1311 YD,AUD1457 AED,NZX4028 BDH,NZX8008
RM6,AUD1312 YE,AUD1458 AEE,NZX4029 BEN,NZX8037
RM7,AUD1313 KJ,AUD1520 AEF,NZX4030 BET,NZX8042
RM8,AUD1314 KX,AUD1644 AEG,NZX4031 BEW,NZX8045
RM9,AUD1315 NB,AUD1681 AEH,NZX4032 BEX,NZX8046
WA,AUD1418 KY,AUD1682 AEJ,NZX4033 BEY,NZX8047
WB,AUD1419 KZ,AUD1683 AEK,NZX4034 BFE,NZX8053
WC,AUD1420 HH,AUD1684 AEL,NZX4035 BFL,NZX8059
WD,AUD1421 HI,AUD1685 AEN,NZX4037 BFM,NZX8060
WE,AUD1422 HJ,AUD1686 AEP,NZX4038 B1CC,B22330
WF,AUD1423 HK,AUD1687 AEQ,NZX4039 B1CL,B22536
WG,AUD1424 ACF,CUD1053 AER,NZX4040 B1CN,B22609
WH,AUD1425 ACG,CUD1054 AES,NZX4041 B1CP,B22645
WI,AUD1426 ACH,CUD1055 AET,NZX4042 B1CU,B23083
WJ,AUD1427 ACJ,CUD1056 AEU,NZX4043 B1CW,B23139
WM,AUD1428 ACK,CUD1057 AEV,NZX4044 B1CY,B23141
WN,AUD1429 ACL,CUD1058 AEW,NZX4045 B1CZ,B23200
XB,AUD1430 ACM,CUD1059 AEX,NZX4046 B1DA,B23230
XC,AUD1431 CAA,CUD1200 AEY,NZX4047 B1DC,B23428
XD,AUD1432 CAB,CUD1201 AEZ,NZX4048 B1DE,B23461
XE,AUD1433 CAC,CUD1202 AFA,NZX4049 B1DF,B23969
XF,AUD1434 CAD,CUD1203 AFB,NZX4050 B1DG,B23523
XG,AUD1435 CAE,CUD1204 AFC,NZX4051 B1DJ,B23600
XH,AUD1436 CAF,CUD1205 AFD,NZX4052 B1DS,B25265
XI,AUD1437 CAG,CUD1206 AFE,NZX4053 B1DT,B24158
XJ,AUD1438 CAH,CUD1207 AFF,NZX4054 B1DV,B24220
XK,AUD1439 CAJ,CUD1208 AFG,NZX4055 B1EB,B24566
XL,AUD1440 CAK,CUD1209 AFH,NZX4056 B1EC,B24568
XM,AUD1441 CAL,CUD1210 AFJ,NZX4057 B1ED,B24570
XN,AUD1442 CAM,CUD1211 AFK,NZX4058 B1EE,B24805
XO,AUD1443 CAN,CUD1212 AFL,NZX4059 B2BB,B24043
XQ,AUD1444 CAP,CUD1213 AFM,NZX4060
XR,AUD1445 CAQ,CUD1214 AFN,NZX4061
XS,AUD1446 CAR,CUD1215 AFP,NZX4062
I thought that I would check out the competition to see what they had.
"Mr Teglerizer" had approximately the same set as I currently have.
"Baa!!!" had 11 needles that were missing from my set.
In checking out "Baa!!!", I noticed that all the charts that I displayed
on the site were wrong in that none of them had the first index point
included in the data.
Given that no new car has been produced in the last 20 years or so
that has a carb fitted, the list should have been finalised at some point
and will therefore be static.
I don't mind buying a new set of charts, but I would want them to be more
up-to-date than what I have already.
http://mk1-performance-conversions.co.u ... l_carb.htm
Version "021.Mk1" may be uploaded at some point.
(If Mark F still wants updated versions submitted for inclusion on the main site...)