We are starting to get some good detail now - I think that some of the
anomalies with the previous information comes as a result of the
common perception that the "First Motion Shaft" IS "Top" Gear. Whether
this is 4th, as in a standard box, or 5th as in the CF boxes we are talking
about here.
It is true that the "shaft" part of the "First Motion Shaft" is used for "top"
gear. The "teeth" part of it, along with the corresponding driven teeth on
the layshaft are NOT part of the equation in "top" gear...
In all other instances, that is, first to third in a standard box, or first to
fourth in a CF-style box, the teeth on the "First Motion Shaft" drive the
laygear at a fixed ratio, from which all the non-direct gears are driven.
For the CF box with the approximately 2.76 first gear, the one we are
calling the "Race Set", the "First Motion Shaft" has 15 teeth, and the
meshing gear on the laygear that pairs with it has 19 teeth.
Now for the "nerdy" part:
Top gear is direct, there are no EFFECTIVE meshings of gears, the final
ratio through the box is therefore 1.000:1. (5th, in this case).
All other gears are driven from the laygear via a reduction ratio of
19/15 - The "Laygear Driven Teeth" divided by the "First Motion Shaft"
teeth. For the "Race" set, as per Mike's figures, this comes out as
1.26666. (with the 6 recurring).
The reciprocal of this figure is 0.7894 - Sound familiar? It should do
because this is the figure that has been quoted for 5th gear in the
incorrect figures previously published. This is because the author of
the original figures wrongly classifies the "First Motion Shaft"/"Laygear"
pairing as being "5th" gear... (Which it isn't!) (Mike, Should you edit/delete
that whole chunk of information out of your earlier post?).
Back to the maths (or math, if you are that way inclined...):
For each non-direct gear, the formula is:
Code: Select all
"Laygear Driven Teeth" "Third Motion Shaft Driven Teeth"
---------------------- X --------------------------------- = Overall Gearbox Ratio
"First Motion Shaft" "Laygear Driving Teeth"
What we end up with is this:
Code: Select all
Colotti Francis Type 40 (T.40) "Race Set" # Edited @ 16:49 to add Type 40
1st Motion Shaft: 15
Laygear 19 Driven Gear
5th Tooth Count Not Applicable, Direct 1.000:1
4th 21 : 19 (19/15 x 19/21 = 1.146)
3rd 15 : 16 (19/15 x 16/15 = 1.351)
2nd 17 : 23 (19/15 x 23/17 = 1.714)
1st 11 : 24 (19/15 x 24/11 = 2.764)
JohnA's excellent scan gives first as 2.761, we have 2.764 here, and as an
experiment, I calculated the ratio using 3-figure logarithms and got 2.767...
The figures in the block above are definitely 100% correct - All the teeth on
all of the gears in the set were checked (Thanks, Mike!) and accordingly, any
minor variations in the quoted figures will be down to calculation method
and/or rounding.
I have updated my copy of the "Ratios" spreadsheet with this gearset, for those
interested, I have given it the short name of "5CFRC". The elusive "Road" set,
ie the one with the 2.96 first gear, has been provisionally added as "5CFRD" with
the data being fixed and as per JohnA's other scan. (JohnA, I hope that this is OK?).
At some point soon, "Release 005.Mk1" will appear on the main Mk1 website...
If anyone wants a "pre-release" version, please PM me.
My thanks go to everyone that has contributed to this thread, I really was not
expecting it to generate so much decent information. All we really need now
is an actual tooth count for the 2.96 first gear set, if it was actually produced...