Doh, What a Plonker

General Chat with an emphasis on BMC Minis & Other iconic cars of the 1960's.
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Mr Rusty850
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Doh, What a Plonker

Post by Mr Rusty850 »

Finally got around to rebuilding my Mk1 steering rack today after turning a new bush. I thought I'd carefully stored all the parts carefully but cannot find the nylon ball seat. To make matters worse it's one of the parts that's supposed to be kept as a matched set with the tie rod, ball housing and lock nut. Cue a variety of expletives.
I've come to the conclusion that I'll need to try and find a donor rack which could probably be a scrap one. It's a long shot but does anyone have one they'd be prepared to sell?
Also, are these parts common to Mk1 and Mk 2 racks; they look the same in the photos I've seen?
Off to lie down in a dark room now.
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Peter Laidler
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Re: Doh, What a Plonker

Post by Peter Laidler »

There are two ball housing types Rusty. The flat/concave steel one and a plastic one. You say that it's the nylon one and luckily, that's not matched to the ball to any great extent and the second bit of good news is that I've got one you can have - for the price of a couple of cans of Fosters and I'll shout the postage.

Send my yoir address by pm and it'll be in the post am tomorrow.
Mr Rusty850
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Re: Doh, What a Plonker

Post by Mr Rusty850 »

Oh wow Peter. Thats fantastic, thank you.

P.S. Thank you for your "How to" technical papers. Invariably useful during a rebuild.
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